Merry X-mas everyone!   Have a lovely day/evening.

My time so far in Sweden have been great. Haven't met everyone I want yet but I really hope I will have time for more.... *keep my fingers crossed*. Been drinking some with my friends too.... LOVELY!

Christmas with my family was great as always, even if some of them couldnt be there.
Today is a day when I miss Jamie more than ever...  <3

I became aunt for 2 days ago to a little girl... my sister Viktoria gave birth to her... sooooo little Im getting baby sick I think..  wiiiii!  All luck to them....  Its her 3rd child =)

Tomorrow the 25th when all of my dear humans in England celebrate X-mas will I go to Patrik in Hestra to drink and have fun with....  X-mas party for the win!!!!!
Will be back  the 26th at my mums place.

The time running away.... its the 29th soon. Time for packing and just wait... wait to fly back to my dear England and London.

New Year's eve will I celebrate there for once and will do it wth Jamie...  we dont know what to do yet tho but I hope i will be great fun!

Ok, Might update 1 more time here on my blog while my time in Sweden.. depence if I ind any internet somewhere....

Once again.. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Lots of Love...  Alexandra


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